Thursday, July 27, 2006

Play Date

I'm actually amazed at the opportunities for interaction with other moms and babies that exist locally right now! It's so nice to almost always have something going on where we can play with others...yesterday Samantha and Spencer had some of the moms/babies from our Friday group over for a play date and lunch. It was great to socialize for a while...and then do a bit of shopping for the babes...we got Nathan a new Skwish's colorful, easy to grab onto and is wooden, so I love the little clinking noise it makes when its beads move back and forth.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Favorite Food

Okay, technically Nathan's still on b-milk exclusively, but he really enjoyed the Chinese chicken salad I had for lunch yesterday. It came out with this big tangle of those styrofoamy rice noodles on top and he loved it. I mean LOVED it. He's gotten to that stage where he can kind of reach for things on the table and push them around a fun, but also a bit more challenging. So he's sitting in my lap and just staring at these crazy noodles, trying to grab onto them. I couldn't see his face, but Brian assured me that it was a crack up! So I decide to hook the little guy up and pull the noodles closer so he can play with them. He's grabbing them, and loving it, and noodles are going everywhere - the table, the floor, on us. I look at Brian and say, "We are officially THOSE people." So funny. Although unlike some of "those people" that I've seen in the past, I was sure to pick the noodles up off the table and seat before we took off.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Good Laugh

Wow...we had a pretty busy week, with 2 exercise classes, a walk to the grocery store, a visit from his Gram and Grandad, a La Leche League meeting, a meeting for the committee for the Family Resource Center we go to for our moms & babies group, lunch with his Dad, and some time at the mall (not to mention all of the run-of-the-mill errands and stuff here at home)! Whew! The highlight of the week had to be yesterday afternoon, though, when Nathan was cracking up! He's laughed before, both his high-pitched squeal and the lower, funnier chuckle, but never like this! It started when I shook this chicken rattle toy and got a good giggle out of I'd shake it again, or tickle him...and he'd just keep on with that big smiley huh-huh-huh chuckle! It was fabulous! And since I was on the phone with Gram and Grandad at the time, they got to hear it, too! He just kept on was almost like he was laughing at his laughing, like it was funny that he could do it! So precious!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fun Weekend

We had a really fun weekend...on Saturday (Nathan's 4-month birthday!)we just went to the mall, but it was great to beat the heat and grab some lunch and just hang out as a family. Sunday morning, Brian took Nate-Dog for a walk (and let me sleep in...after a virtually sleepless night). Then we all went to church, and later headed to the beach. The little guy slept the whole time we were at the beach, but I think it was still a nice outing...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bumbo Seat

Nathan's Bumbo Baby Sitter came today (after finally finding it in lime green!)...what a funny little seat it is! He totally looks like a little man sitting in an armchair! Seems to like it pretty well, though, which should let me get at least a couple of things done around here during the day!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Walk in the Park

After feeling under the weather for about a week, it was nice to get back to my Stroller Strides exercise class today. Nathan did really well for most of the class, but was pretty cranky by the end...I had to hold him for the last few exercises. He must've been tired; as soon as we got in the car, he fell asleep...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Two Foot Two

...Well almost. Nathan had his 4-month check up with his pediatrician today; he measured 25 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 12 lbs., 3 oz. The doctor said that everything looked great! Four more shots...the first two didn't faze him, but that third one was a real doozy. He was upset for a little while, but it wasn't anything that a little b-milk couldn't fix (as usual).

Oops! I spoke too soon...he ended up feeling crummy in the evening, so a small dose of Tylenol was needed. That seemed to take the edge off.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Old Life...New Life

We buried my grandmother yesterday. Although it was a solemn occasion, I found it hard to be sad when I could see the precious, hopeful face of my new son. I miss my grandmother, of course (in fact, as she's aged she hasn't quite been herself, so I guess I've missed her for at least the last year or so), but I came away from the funeral very "okay" with her passing. One life complete and gone, another new and just beginning. My hopes are for Nathan; I pray that his life will be long, as my grandmother's was, and that he will have many friends and family around him.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Here we are...

Welcome to our blog and our very first post. I'm looking forward to chronicling the wild and wacky task of bringing up baby!

A little background...Nathan is my first child; he was born March 15 of this year and my husband and I have been enjoying him ever since. I had a really positive natural childbirth experience using HypnoBabies. You can read my birth story here. I'm also breastfeeding, and loving it. I'm not a super crunchy-granola type, though.

Now that he's nearing the ripe old age of 4 months, I'm realizing how much he's already grown. It's's especially hit me in the last couple of days. A big reminder to savor every moment...